Business Services » District Budget Advisory Committee

District Budget Advisory Committee

Welcome to the Lafayette Schools’ District Budget Advisory Committee (DBAC) webpage - a resource for understanding the work of the DBAC, a committee made up of teachers, classified staff, parents/caregivers, administrators, and Governing Board representatives. Relaunched in 2023, the DBAC is focused on making annual reductions and savings recommendations to the Superintendent and Governing Board.

DBAC Purpose

For the 24-25 school year, the Governing Board adopted $2.1M in savings and reductions recommended by the District Budget Advisory Committee. However, costs continue to exceed revenue and the District is relying on one-time reserves to cover the gap. For 2025-26, the District anticipates at least another $2M in budget reductions to slow the pace of its deficit spending.

There are a number of reasons for these recommendations:

  • State funding for public education in Lafayette continues to be inadequate.
  • For the 24-25 school year, districts received only a 1.07% Cost of Living Increase from the state; this is significantly lower than previous years
  • Ongoing inflation means that the District will continue to see cost increases, with little new revenue to cover these costs.

Currently, we are asking for ideas from staff and our community about possible savings or new revenue for the 25-26 school year. Here is a link to a survey to submit a suggestion


To learn more about LAFSD's budget and how schools are funding in California, visit the "In the Know" presentation.


To learn more about reductions and savings implemented in the 2024-25 budget, visit here.


Here is a high-level timeline of our budget input decision-making process for 2025-26:2025-26 Budget Decision Making Process