Parent Education
The District Parent Education Committee is made up of representatives from each of the five schools in the district, SEED (Special Education Enrichment Development Foundation), and LPIE (Lafayette Partners in Education), with direction and oversight from the District Superintendent and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. We desire to engage parents in the process as we implement programs and address critical issues within our district that directly impact the lives of our students and their families.
District Parent Education Committee Mission
Our mission is "to give parents the encouragement, resources, and skills to address the behavioral patterns and cultural influences on families."
The Lafayette School District understands that parents are a vital and dynamic component of the school community. According to the National PTA, "Raising children is the most important responsibility in our society and the most challenging." In light of this, the District Parent Education Committee, in partnership with the schools, is committed to bringing an integrated and consistent message to assist parents in understanding and developing the skills they need to nurture their children through each stage of development.
We consider it an opportunity and privilege to serve the parents of this community.
If you have any questions, topics or speakers you would like us to research, please contact Betsy Balmat, Assistant Superintendent
Each school's PTA, Parent Faculty Club, and Parent Club maintains its own website:
Burton Valley PTA
Happy Valley Parents Club
Lafayette PTA
Springhill Parent Faculty Club
Stanley PTA