Student Enrollment » Interdistrict Transfers

Interdistrict Transfers


Parents or guardians who do not reside within the Lafayette School District boundaries may apply for a transfer from their district of residence for their child to attend the Lafayette School District.

In order for the District to accept an inter-district request, the application must be accompanied by the District of residence approval form. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of application, the District shall provide to the parents a final decision.

Future year requests are accepted July 15 - July 31. A final decision will be provided no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought

An application may be denied due to limited district resources, overcrowding of school facilities at the relevant grade level, or other considerations that are not arbitrary.

Denied inter-district transfer requests may be appealed to the County Board of Education. Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5117. Appeal Information


Parents or guardians who reside in Lafayette may apply for a transfer for their child from the Lafayette School District to attend school in another district. Outgoing transfer requests must be renewed annually.