Teachers College Reading & Writing Project
We have continued to expand and deepen our work with the Teachers College Reading & Writing Project at Columbia University. The Project provides our teachers with a powerful framework for the teaching of reading and writing at all grade levels. It is not a program but rather a methodology, very closely linked to the thinking strategies, for the teaching of writing at all grade levels. All of our teachers have been trained in the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. Through the funding from Lafayette Partners in Education, we have sent over 60 teachers to Teachers College for training. We have seen outstanding results in student progress.
Routines and procedures for classroom instruction are the instructional components of the Workshop Model. Useful in any content area, the model includes:
Typically around 10 minutes, this whole-class direct instruction is delivered by the teacher in one of these ways:
- conduct a shared reading
- read and think aloud for a specific purpose
- teach a key concept
- demonstrate a writing strategy
- direct students in a hands-on activity
Students work on their own, in pairs, or small groups. The teacher circulates to be sure all students are on task, then moves to:
- confer with individuals, taking anecdotal notes
- work with small groups in direct instruction
Teacher brings class back together at meeting area to:
- recap day's learning
- check for understanding
- focus on work of 1-2 students who use what was taught in lesson
- allow students to share their work in pairs or whole class

I understand that to write an informational text you need to know a lot about your topic whether that means having background information or doing research on your topic. Once you have all the information you need to organize your thoughts. Then you can start writing... Luke
...in informational text you have to know a lot about the topic that you're researching because if you don't it will be lacking details. Some text features you can use are pictures and captions, bullet points, table of contents, labels, and highlighted vocabulary... Emma
...informational text has a very good purpose. Its purpose is to teach, to make the reader understand the book better. Like if you add a glossary, labels, pictures and captions it will make the reader understand the text better... Riley